The Burberry Bottom Line: A Necessity for All...
Take a look at these gorgeous wedges from their Autumn preview...the color alone will make a true fan salivate...
I love, love, love their basic, traditional patterns - that amazing, recognizable plaid peeks out, just perfectly - sneaking onto the straps of my shoes, subtly inside my handbag, at the collar of that ever-so-dreadfully-preppy polo that I still have (and adore!).
I'm the only one who knows it's Burberry...or am I? Don't answer that. Of course I'm not.
This leads me to share the story of a dear friend...a dear friend coveting a handbag in the same way that I fixate on a pair of Choos. She was after a Burberry bag. So I joined the fight, and obsessed over her obsession. We all know how this feels. I actually started badgering my friend's very sweet husband, quite endlessly - at social events, by text, anytime I saw him...I would ask: "Why haven't you bought her the Burberry handbag?" in that naggy voice that men love so much. OK, the fact that we kept asking HIM to buy the bag takes us down so many paths, but I'll start with the most obvious...
It goes without saying that independent ladies like us do NOT need very sweet husbands, boyfriends, occasional acquaintances, whatever you want to call them...to buy us handbags or shoes. But it's really nice when they do. If not for my indulgent ex-husband's contribution, I wouldn't have half the collection that I own. It's a lovely exchange. And once my friend and I discussed this coveted bag, that was it. It was done. It was going to happen. And it had to come from her husband. Mostly because he laughed it off and jokingly opposed it. Not to be a cruel person. Just to be...well...male.
She got her bag - but I want to say it was 4+ years later. She wouldn't blink in this staring contest, and I wouldn't have either.
So - the takeaways from this week... Perserverance, Getting Your Significant Other On Board, and Brand Loyalty.
Stick to your guns. Don't buy what you don't love. Don't settle. Your obsession is better supported than ignored. It's part of who you are.
I wish you luck in your own endeavors.